MediTek / PsychoTek changes

Meditek, Psychotek and the Hospital and Asylum have been moved to the Bedlam Health center in Nomos 2.
You will now need to go there for both Medical and Mental health care if your scores is below 30%.
You may of course go there any time you wish for RP regardless of your meter.
You will find Auto admittance Machines on the Reception desks of Meditek and Psychotek.

————- MediTek ————-

Click on the Auto admit machine and you will be TPed to the intensive care room.
You will now have the Legend “Detainee of Meditek” in your meter.

A note will be sent out in the HUD to inform any Medical staff that you are there and seek medical attention.

If you do not want help from a Medic then you can follow the usual process of laying on the bed and receiving the band which you wear for 15 minutes until healed.
When healed (physical > 40%) you should go back to the reception desk and Click on the Auto-Release form on the desk. You will now no longer be detained by Meditek.
Of course you don’t need to stay in the Bedlam waiting to heal. If you wish , you can leave before you are completely healed, while you are still a patient of MediTek and come back when you are healed just to release yourself.

If you get assisted by a trained Medic, you will be able to roleplay the medical process out, you may be taken to the Ward for a checkup and surgery and other procedures. After you are RP assessed to be fit enough to leave, the Medic will use the release form in Ward 1 to let you go.

Cost and Time of procedures:
– Do-It-Yourself ICU/bracelet: 40G$ / 40 physical health points / 15 minutes
– RP Process with a MediTek: 20G$ / 90 physical health points / immediate as soon as you are considered fit by the doctor

Also Physicians occasionally gain extra-bonuses of 30G$ for each patient treatment.

Being treated by a Physician is a win-win 🙂

———– Psychotek————

Click on the Auto admit machine and you will be TPed to a padded cell.
You will now have the Legend “Detaineed of Psychotek” in your meter.

A note will be sent out in the HUD to inform Psychotek staff that you are there and seek Psychological assistance.

If you do not wish to RP the process then you try the door which will open when you are deemed safe enough to leave the cell. You will then need to go lay on the Brain scanner for a minute to get an assessment of your mental state.
If you are deemed mental healthy then you may take the lift up and go back to the Reception, and click on the Auto-Release form on the desk..

If you are found to need further attention then you will have a choice of Robotic surgery or treatment from a trained Psychologist.

One of the next rooms have a Surgery machine. Just lie down while the machine will perform a surgery.

If you are assisted by PsychoTek staff, you will roleplay the psychologist process out.
The Psychotek staff will then release you as soon you are found mentally fit.

Cost and Time of Procedures:
– Brain Scanner: 35G$ / 40 mental points / immediate – it charges you only if you don’t require further treatment
– Robotic Surgery: 100G$ /  60 mental points / immediate – it charges you after surgery
– RP Process with PsychoTek: 50G$ / 70 mental points / immediate

Also PhychoTek occasionally gain extra bonuses of 40G$ for each patient treatment.

Again, being treated by a PsychoTek is a win-win.