Clarification of Wytch role in Golgothica

Clarification of Wytch role in Golgothica.

Just a reminder from the game notes for those choosing the “Wytch” role here.
Notice that funny old spelling ?
Well that’s to indicate that, as it says in the game notes, they are bad ass Black Wytchs, or something along those lines, and not village protectors or community spirited earth mothers or anything nice and newage at all.
They are Predators, preying on the villagers just like the other Predator groups here.
So to Clarify
Vampire, Demon, Werewolf and Wytch are all on the same page as far as outlook on life goes here in Golgothica.
They are all signed up to an unwritten agreement to not tread to heavily upon the toes of the other races with whom they share this land.
It is of course fine to have feuds and combat between individuals, but there is no overall, Vampires versus Lycans, versus Wytchs thing going down.
I guess some will say ” Well where is dynamic between races then if we all love each other”
As I said again in the intro notes, this place is really not about a battle between good and Evil, its about what evil does to good when it has full licence to do so.