KOS Background Info & Story


Throughout the night of endless stars
I saw as in a dream
Arising from the swirling sands
The towers of lost Ireem…….

Ireem Zhat al Imad, Ireem of the Pillars, the great city.
I have spent ten years in the heart of the “Roba al Khaliyeh,” the empty space, the great southern desert colored “Dahma,” crimson. And in this Kingdom of sand  I have seen the fabulous many pillars of Ireem and thus I have been called “majnun,” mad and possessed of the Jinn. But I know what I have seen.
Many are the strange and unbelievable marvels that I saw there.
For Ireem was once an earthly paradise to the initiated. Its ancient towers rising high above the beautiful Palace and gardens, mysteriously watered by magical fountains and waterways. And there were also places of hidden knowledge and of power, where Magi worked their wonders.
But I saw a darkness fall upon the city and  It become know by many as a place of great wickedness. And thus in this time it was called Qasr al Abeed, City of the slaves and many passed it by afraid. But do they who cower in fear dare comprehend the fabulous?
Alas, In Time, the sands swallowed up the City of Pillars, and no more did the caravans of sweet incense and beautiful silks pass by on the great east road.
Now it exists only in the minds of those with the strength to dream.

Background to currant events.

And so these were seemingly peaceful times for the Kingdom of Sand.
After centuries of conflict between the ruling Sultans and their people, the last great Sultan had died.
And thus the kingdom passed to his Sister, the beautiful Zanlu. She had watched for years as her brother continually aggravated the unsettled state of the land, and upon becoming Sutana she immediately sort out a means to end this continuing conflict.
She thought to bring peace by making an agreement with the various faction leaders  that the palace would no longer directly interfere in their affairs as long as they maintained peace amongst themselves.
If this “peace” remained stable then The Sultana would not use her power against them.
And so to her, with the this agreement in place, all seemed settled. She was happy in the Palace and seldom ventured into the streets or desert. And the faction leaders agreed amongst them selves to do all they could to keep her in ignorance of the true nature of the situation. In reality, once beyond the beautiful gardens and walls of the palace, the same old rivalries festered and grew. The city was rife with internal conflict and the main trade of the land flourished, slavery



For many years in dreams I had crossed the red desert into the Kingdom of sand and the City of Ireem.

I had grown familiar with the City and the surrounding lands where I had dreamed many strange and  exotic adventures.

Then one evening as the sun began to set, I found myself talking with a  dark stranger I had happened to meet in one of the high towers of the city.

As we talked  I noticed on the western horizon what appeared to be the domes and spires of  a small town. I checked my bearings. This could not be, I was sure I had been in this tower many times before and not noticed this far off place. I asked the stranger if she to could see  the town whose coloured domes now shone in the deep red of the setting sun.

“Yes“, she replied softly, “That is Kashkar, the place of return, where the souls of tired and weary travellers find rest from their Journeys through life”

She said that in these lands they still remembered the old gods who roamed the minds of men when they were still young and free.

I asked if I may go there and she told me I may, but that I should beware, as it was not an easy place to leave.

She told me the path I should take through the desert.

Taking the western road out of the city I would pass the Necropolis, high in the hills, built to honour Lord Thanatos the great Daemon of death.

She warned not to pause here lest I be taken by Undead creatures, The children of Hora Ma, who rise up from the tombs beneath the rocks

I would pass beneath the broken bridge of Nephili and beyond would see the river and the town.

“Many adventures you will find there” she said, for the town is ancient and full of mysteries to discover.

To the North of the town, facing the ocean, she told me of  the Isle of Mer. This is the place of the children of Mer who gather in the halls of Posidon and Neptune and the old ones.

But the Isle of Mer is also a place of music and dance, and the terraces on the high rocks are watched over by Lalita, the goddess of movement and pleasure.


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Last modified: July 11, 2011