The Book of Invasions and the Pangean Wars

So great had been the light and sound that’s arose at the destruction of Gargantua that it had reached the shores of Pangea. The tribes there believed that there must have been a war amongst Gods, and they waited in fear of what catastrophe might befall them.

The first Invasion and the fate of the Vorgoth.

The first of the Invasions was in the land of Thule where the Vorgoth armada arrived in the late summer.
And the first battle was on the shores of the north Sea.
The Norska had watched the vast armada of ships approaching for almost two days. Then the Vorgoth leader Bran had sent an emissary to make deals with the Norska so that they might land and make camp. But the Norska were a warrior race and had no intention of  letting another warrior race land upon their shores. And so the Vorgoths were forced to try to fight their way onto the land. This they did, but lost many warrior in the process. Once ashore they set up defences that would hold long enough for them to get their people and their goods ashore. But the Norska pressed them hard and almost drove them back into the sea. To escape the onslaught of the Norska the Vorgoths had to fight their way along the shore to where the Abaddon Mountains  touched the sea. And there they left the shore and followed the narrow pass into the cold mountains. The Norsaka did not follow them. It is not know for sure what happened next to the Vorgoths. Many died from the cold and still more were taken by the Vhen, the Demons of the mountains. But it is believed that after many battles the Vorgoths overcame the Vhen
and a truce was made. The Norska new little of this, and cared even less, down in the valleys where the simmers were warm and the winters mild they had much to do to maintain the land. But then many years later their were strange reports of  a great dark stone city rising up out of the black rocks of Abaddon. The Norska prepared for an attack from the Vorgoths, but it never came. After many more years an uneasy peace had settled over the land and trade began between the tribes. But the Norska never trusted the Vorgoths and even less the Vhen who were their old enemies.
It was rumoured that while wandering in the Mountains, long before the truce was made with the Vhen, the Vorgoths had run out of supplies. With nothing to eat and no way to get food in the bare Mountains the leaders and the strongest amongst them had taken to drinking the blood, and even eating the flesh of their own people. Even now the Norska spoke of how very little food was traded with the Vorgoth, but that slaves were taken in great numbers.



Of the Second invasion and the coming of the Perzians

The next of the Gargantuan tribes to reach Pangea were the Perzians.
They landed their armada in a bay at the mouth of the river Nasir.
Unlike the Vorgoth, there was no great battle to greet them on the shores. The tribes of the Bedu wandered the deserts in many smaller Clan groups and only came to the shores of the Azure Sea at certain times in the year.
So the Perzians had an easy landing and established a large camp on a great rocky outcrop by the shore.
The Perzian Sultan, Sulman, had survived the sinking of Gargantua and was still ruler of the tribes of Perzians. He immediately set about making plans for a fortress to be constructed there on the rock.
It was many months later that the elders of the Bedu tribes gathered together to discuss the problem of the invaders from the sea. Many spoke of war but there were those who had heard tales of the Perzian war machine and knew that the loss to their tribes would be great, and maybe unnecessary if they could limit the Perzian invaders to the shorelines. They knew that the Perzians would have little need to venture into the heart of the Samhara, and that even if they did, they would find survival there impossible without the knowledge of the Bedu. It was agreed then that the Leaders of the tribes would hold council with the Perzian Sultan and try to establish boundaries and rules of conduct.
The Perzian Sultan was pleased to find the Bedu leaders were willing to talk. He knew his people were tired of war and that his position as sultan might be threatened if they were to fight and lose another war. He therefore agreed to much of what the Bedu leaders demanded. The Perzians were given the lands around the Nasir River, but these lands were never to be closed to the Bedu tribes who may always wander freely upon them. The Perzians may never speak of ownership of Samhara, these were the lands of the Bedu until the eye of Rae closed at the end of time, and the Arqe was no more.
In the years that followed the Perzian architects and masons began the construction of what we now call Ireem, that mighty city of Pangea. And in time the Perzian people have begun to call this place home, although the Bedu still think of them as invaders.



Of the third Invasion of Avalonia and the Caesarian wars

Like the Norsk, the Keltoi people had watched the vast armada of ships in the Western sea for many days. Their Druida priests gathered on the shores and cast spells of ill fortune into the seaward breeze and a great storm arose and many of the Caesarian ships were lost. But this only hardened the hearts of the war like Caesarians. Their generals  gathered on the Emperor Gladius’s ship and they drew up their plans of attack.  They decided to split their force and send half down the coast to the South there they would wait until the main force made a diversionary attack. While the Keltoi were dealing with what they would think was the main attack the other force would land and surprise them from behind.
On the day of the battle the Keltoi warriors dressed themselves in their finest clothes and ornaments. They painted their bodies with sacred symbols and rode in their chariots to the shores. There on the high cliffs the Druida cast their spells of death and destruction into the sea and cursed the Invaders.
But the Caesarian soldiers were battle hardened men, well prepared to fight for this land.
The battle was fast and furious, and as would be expected the Caesarian army took great losses on the beaches as the Keltoi warriors leapt about them in battle fury. But just when victory seemed certain the second army of the Caesarians arrived on the shores and there was much confusion amongst the Keltoi warriors. Gradually the Caesarians drove back the Keltoi and they retreated back to their villages and hill forts further inland.
The Caesarians quickly established a base camp and began to move their people and supplies ashore.
Over the next few weeks the Keltoi tribes attacked the camp many times by night and day, but the Caesarians had no intention of leaving, they had no place to go. In the following months the attacks became less and less. The Keltoi had lost many warriors and could see no was to dislodge the invaders.
But the Druida priests would not allow the elders of the tribes to talk of truce. So the Keltoi watched and waited as the invaders camp became first a fort then a walled town, then a series of forts along the coast. It was many more years still before the Keltoi ventured down to the shores to trade with the invaders, and the Druida disappeared into the sacred groves to plot thir revenge. And so an uneasy peace came to the land of Avalonia.



Of the fourth Invasion and the Coming of the Tomecks

The Tolemeks Landed upon the southern shores of Amazonia and like the Prezians met no resistance.
The Anuki tribes lived in the trees in great villages built above the forest floor. They lived as part of the land and had no concept of owning it. They had always lived this way so could not conceive of  the idea that it might be taken from them, therefore the word invader had no meaning to them. They watched with interest as the Tolmeks unloaded their ships on the shores and slowly ventured into the thick jungles. They kept their distance at first and only watched as they would with any new animal that entered their space. They watched as the Tolmeks struggled with the jungle and fought against, unlike the Anuki, who lived with it and learned its ways. Finally the great expedition came to the clearings of the central swamplands. Here they stopped and began their constructions. First they drained and dried the land and then they built great pyramids of wood and stone reaching high into the sky. Still the Anuki watched but did nothing because the swamps were not their land.


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Last modified: October 26, 2011