Rules Reminder

May I once again ask that people read the Rules, you don’t have to read them all at one time, but definitely if there is something you do not understand then read them first. Do not assume that other people know. If your subject does not appear to be directly on the board work backwards and find a category that it might be in. I.e. You want info on Blood Gaunts. There is no Category on the board but they are a human Group so check out the Human notes,
There are many aspects of the game that need tweaking and possibly completely changing. These we will discover and alter if need be, but please give us time. If you come here and find something you do not like then don’t assume it is written in stone. Give us a chance to be open a few days before making judgements. It was inevitable there would be a lot of confusion for a the first few weeks. Its unavoidable. Just give us time and we will work together to get it right. In the mean time your constructive feed back to Coven Leaders and Admins is welcome.
the role Play Rules are on on the right hand side of Meter vendor in the Landing area.